Childhood Obesity Woes the World Over
Worldwide has many synonyms including worldwide possessions, worldwide brands, worldwide business, worldwide economy, worldwide fashion, and worldwide culture. These are just some of the synonyms for world or worldliness. It may be a very large place or perhaps a very small region. Whatever the size of the global area is, there are bound to be people who have something to do with it. If not, then there must be something world-wide about it.
What is it that makes something worldwide? Well, a lot of factors come into play when it comes to making something become worldwide. Globalization means that the world has now become one market place. Everyone in the world has some sort of product or service they deal in. And that is why there are billions of consumers all over the globe who are struggling with obesity.
The United Nation’s World Health Assembly made this statement in its report titled “No Longer A menace.” It was stated that obesity has become a serious problem that is linked to the rise of noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is also dangerous to our environment and to human health. It is a threat to world peace and security, and it will negatively impact the economic development of the nation.
One of the main causes of obesity in the United States is the lack of exercise. Children from families that are poor at exercising are more likely to become obese than children from wealthy and healthy families. The number of obese children has been on the rise for quite some time. While obesity in adults can occur as well, the number of obese children continues to rise at a steady rate.
Why is childhood obesity so problematic? One reason is because there is a strong relationship between childhood obesity and absenteeism from work. When adults become overweight, they tend to give up physical activity because they feel like they cannot do it anymore. However, physically active children are not lazy, they just need more encouragement. If we can’t go outside and we have a choice between playing outside with our friends or staying inside playing video games, most of us will choose the latter. In fact, more children are choosing video games over playing with their friends due to the growing concern about obesity.
Childhood obesity is a major problem, and it is one that will not go away by itself. Parents must do everything in their power to help their children lead a long, healthy, and happy life. If you are concerned about obesity or another health concern, please visit my website for more information.